I just read Bernard Shaw's 'Major Barbara' and am thoroughly blown away. What an insightful and important play. I am surprised it does not get performed more frequently, although with all that exposition I can see why modern directors would struggle with working out how to stage it.
As I was reading it, I just couldn't help but be shocked at how relevant it is for today. Especially in Australia! Replace the Armery for Mining and you have our industry, our economy, and our political system all sewn up in this one devastating and yet accurate piece of theatre.
The discussions about poverty and salvation are still as true now as they were then. Is a homeless man on the city streets closer to God than one working in a mining town? Doesn't money run everything in the end, including religion - and thus the path to God.
I was also fascinated by Shaw's observations about how humanity manages itself. Each worker using his own slight advantage to keep the one below him in line so that the 'boss' doesn't really have to do any of the disciplining or control. He can just demonstrate largesse by providing society as these minions make the money for him.
Could there be a tale more current or important to Australia right now than 'Major Barbara'?
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