I let myself have a good rest last night which meant today I was refreshed and ready to face the challenges of producing with energy and vigour. Luckily. I woke up to a great email from Clancy Moore, who has agreed to come on board for the Fringe Othello as Peter Garrett. I am so excited about that. Clancy has the energy and acting talent that role needs.
My other big goal today was organise auspicing for when we take this into full production. I had a meeting with Kara at Moriarty's and she helped me draft a creative development budget and a presentation budget for funding applications. The reality is that I missed an important deadline, so it is going to be almost impossible for me to do what I want to do fully. That doesn't mean I won't try, it just means I have to be clever and/or find a sugar daddy. Anyone out there willing to invest in a sure fire, guaranteed blockbuster? Just asking...
Anyway, I am very heartened about the progress of everything even though it is exhausting - and a bit lonely at times.
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