Sunday, 17 June 2012


I am all excited again.  I just had the best design meeting with Shane and Julie.  Julie really had some brilliant ideas, and pretty simple to achieve too.  I love this sense of the land and Australianess that I think we are developing.  Riverbeds, and ochre tones, and driftwood... and of course, my pet theme animal for this production, the crocodile.  What I also loved about this meeting was that both Julie and Shane kept the parameters of the showing in mind, and occassionally reminded me about them too.  I am so used to being the one reminding everyone, that it was refreshing to not have to do that.  I really do love working with professionals who approach their work from the same paradigm as me.  It is such a treat.  I guess that is what comes from training in the same environment, with the same lecturers, and amongst the same people.  It is almost like I can relax because I know we are speaking the same language.

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