Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Pull Of The Tide

I had a bad night last night.  I don't know if I was just feeling bad about other things, or just tired, but I had a moment when I was thinking that maybe it was time to stop.  Cancel Othello, stop working as a creative artists, just go into my new admin job and become an office worker again, full stop.  It made so much sense.

Then this morning, the momentum of what I had started hooked me in.  I got excited and took another step forward.  I didn't even think.  Chris Cody came on board for Othello as sound designer and that led me to update the Facebook page, and the Pozible site, and keep going with casting.  It's like when you get caught in a rip and it drags you down.  You can fight it, but it is easier just to go with the flow.

Don't get me wrong, I am still very excited about Othello and have done a lot of problem solving with the fundraising campaign.  I think I am just jumpy about the new job - what it will be, and how it will impact my life.  I do expect good things though.  In fact, I am pretty convinced the rest of the year will be quite exciting. 

Now I should stop procrastinating.  I have a funding application due on Monday, and have to get started on Act 2 of Three Sisters.  To work!  To work!

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