Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Death In A Minute

Tonight I managed to die four times.  It is not what you think.  I was doing an improvisation workshop.  I still think it is impressive that I managed to die so many times.  I admit the means of death was not always unpleasant.  In one exercise I was a queen and ended up choking on an overwhelming number of jewels and pendants placed around my neck.  In another game I had a heart attack from stressing over my son not learning responsibility.  I was shot by the queen's body guard at one point too.  The only time I had any satisfaction was when I committed regicide by pretending to be a masseuse.

The workshop was a lot of fun and the group, although small, was very open and participative.  It also gave me some ideas about how to help my Vorticist free up to participate in the research.  My only grumpiness was that I was really sore afterwards, and got very dizzy several times during the exercises.  That can't be helped though, and I refuse to let that sort of thing get in the way of experiencing as much of my life as I can.  There will be another free workshop next Monday geared more towards actors and scene work and I will be attending that one too.

I also had a meeting with my mentor today.  We talked about my progress and my process and he helped me figure out a way forward.  He was also rather intrigued by my children's story 'The Little Nymph'.  He suggested that I should consider trying to publish it.  I guess I could.  I don't really know how I would go about that.  Maybe I will ask Sarah.  She is the great guru of all things publishing - in my world, anyway.  Another thing we briefly discussed was my continuing this research as part of a masters or doctoral program.  I like the idea of it, but I don't know if my brain can organise the information process.  Ben said I would have to go through an ethics panel because I need to use actors for my research process, and I don't know how to  formulate the proposal or how it works really.  I guess that is was the supervisors are for...?  Anyway I shall ponder it, but in the meantime I have an immersion process to undertake, so most of my energies will be focussed on planning that for the next couple of weeks.

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