Sunday, 7 July 2013

It's A Long Way To Tipperary...

Well hasn't it been a long time since I spoke with you!  It wasn't deliberate. I didn't decide to drop out.  There was no personal or political statement involved.  Time just disappeared.  I got swallowed up in a vortex of happening and couldn't find the space or intent to do anything but participate. 

So what was that period that had me so engulfed.  Sadly very little of true excitement.  Illness assailed me over the first couple of months of the new year and then I suddenly found myself preparing to head to the Dublin Dance Festival with (what we hope) was the last presentation of Monumental.  It was a fun time but I am finding long haul plane travel increasingly difficult, so I am nowhere near as enamored of touring as I was when I was younger.

Today I attended a forum at the MTC.  It was a Q&A session with industry leaders and was really informative.  There were great representatives - a working actor, Brett Sheehy, the AD for the Melbourne Writer's Festival, Emma Valente, Daniel Schlusser, Lally Katz, and the AD for Belvoir St Theatre.  The questions were many and varied and all of the panelists aimed to answer them concisely but honestly.  I really like this kind of public industry discussion.  It is true to say that there was very little of any kind of controversy raised and it was not a particularly interactive format.  It was still a great way to stimulate discussion and let people in to understanding a bit about how people work, and how 'the system' works.  There is another one in a fortnight about adaptations.  Now THAT should be a bit more lively I think. lol

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