Thursday, 10 May 2012

An Artist Emerges

I just had the most fun today.  I have to have an image to submit with my Fringe application and was panicing about it a bit.  I have no skills in graphic art and no programmes specifically to generate some.  With my usual intrepid fearlessness I decided that I could work something out - or at least try, and admit defeat when it all went wrong.

Little did I know that some of this stuff, with a little patience, is idiot proof.  Go Windows!!!  I downloaded some clip art.  Then I played with it in the image manager.  Then I tried some text box stuff in Word, but that went really wrong.  My next step was to simplify and play around in Paint.  And voila! An image emerges.  It's not perfect, but as I will have time to perfect it for the real publicity AFTER Fringe apps close, I think it will do for now.  I will keep tweeking it, but I am happy with the composition and tone.

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