Saturday, 14 April 2012

Catch 22

So it's been a while since we last spoke.  It is not that I haven't had anything to say - more that I haven't had the time or the energy to say it.  Having a disability can be quite time consuming and distracting, and just a little bit hard to manage - especially when it is partly in the brain.  The use of pain killers can help the physical problem, but they make the mental one worse.  Although, NOT using pain killers doesn't help the brain much either.  Another Catch 22 to add the the gazillion that already inhabit the world.

I really do need to focus though.  I have a show opening in 2 weeks, and in the same week I have to submit and expression of interest for next year, and then the week after that another one!  ...Not to mention the job application I have to put together this weekend.  Yikes.  Two days ago, even reading a sentence with the words in the right order was a challenge.  Now I have to put together a complex set of documents???

Challenge is what the world is about, right?  They come in all shapes and sizes: physical, emotional, psychological, temporal, financial, familial.  Are we supposed to face them all?  If not, how do we decide which ones to prioritise and which ones to just let slide by?  My general approach at the moment is to do what I can, and try not to regret the things undone.  A worthy aim.  I have my fingers, arms, legs, and eyes crossed.  Here's hoping it works.

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