Thursday, 22 November 2012

A Really Good Day

I don't often get to say this, but today has been a really good day.  It starts with the simple things - the sun is shining, I have some cash, and I have an appointment but I am all prepared.  If nothing happens to derail any of these things, then it will be a rare and wonderful day indeed!

How lucky have I been?  Really lucky!  The sun is still shining, I was able to indulge in a nice lunch in a cafe and buy a diary for next year, and my appointment went as planned.  I also got contacted by my work, ran a little errand for them and have been given some extra hours on Saturday. Winner!

Here is the very, very important bit though.  Today I had an appointment to meet with Mary Lou at Fortyfive Downstairs about a future for 'Death Poll'.  We had the most amazing discussion and she was so supportive.  She has proposed that I finish my final draft of the script (taking in all the revisions I want to do since the Fringe season) and then do a public reading of the finished script in February.  At that point we can look at it and make a decision about where to go with it next.

I feel so lucky!  And excited!  Mary Lou also gave me some practical advice which is really wonderful and she understands the timing issues and how they work in with current political events.  The general consensis is that I do need to get a director though, and I do agree.  It is time for me to start stepping back and letting my little chick use it's own wings to fly.  Fly, be free!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Next Step

Aaah, it's been a while again.  I really didn't get how much that Fringe season took out of me, and then of course, I had to think about what happens next.  I have a plan of action now, though, and it could end up being a realy exciting 2013 if I let it be.

The big news most immediately on the horizon is that I was contacted by Mary Lou at 45 Downstairs and we are meeting next week to beging discussing the possibility of presenting Death Poll there next year.  Their season schedule is nearly full, but I am happy to see what we might be able to manage.  I haven't heard back from Arts Vic about my funding application, so until they really say no, I am going to assume there is a possibility of some money from them.  Obviously this is never going to be the full production I dream of because I can't figure out how I can arrange the money I would need to properly pay everyone, but it is a strong work and doesn't need a lot of bells and whistles, just a lot of good intention!

I have also applied to do the Masters in Writing for Performance at VCA next year.  This could work in well as I could use the course to dramaturg the play and it may actually count towards my assessment.  I am going to give it that good old college try anyway ;)