Friday, 3 August 2012


Today has worked out really well.  I finally have the whole show cast.  Yes, there will be some disappearances over the next weeks, but they are all coming back, so I am happy with that.  It has been a real problem that I haven't been able to work with the chorus, and to be honest it is not a problem I expected to have.  Life is like that though...

Another huge win today too - Odette, Jarryd and I choreographed the two fight scenes.  It was a very funny process.  I watched the Charlie's Angels movies and wrote down some cool moves from those fight scenes.  In the rehearsal room I wrote them up on a blackboard and we just tried all of them out.  Then we went step by step through the scenes in the script and figured out a couple of sequences.  I already knew roughly how long they had to be by taking a time from the recorded reading the other day.  They are absolutely hilarious, and it was kind of fun - if a bit odd - to begin a rehearsal process with something quite so structured, but as I keep saying...this is not a normal process :)